Wednesday, October 10, 2012


One thing that I, as a doctor, have great difficulty understanding is why anyone would decline to vaccinate their dog or their cat for rabies.  Yes I get the concerns about vaccines that some people have, and there are situations where the pet cannot tolerate the vaccine, but I truly believe that most people do not understand that RABIES KILLS PEOPLE.  They aren't gonna save you if your cat catches an infected bat then gives rabies to YOU.  So vaccinate ALL of your cats and dogs against rabies!

Yes I also know that some cats live indoors and do not go outside.  But, we do not live in a perfect environment and critters sometimes get into our homes.  Yes sometimes bats get into our homes too!  And even indoor cats CAN GET RABIES.

In the state of California, it is REQUIRED that you give the rabies vaccine to your dog.  It is NOT required but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that it be given to your cats.  In my practice, I try to encourage EVERYONE to give it to their dogs AND their cats, regardless of the law.

I hear this all of the time:  "Oh I don't rabies vaccinate my indoor cat because he never goes outside and therefore cannot catch rabies."   Or, "I don't rabies vaccinate my little dog because he never goes outside of our yard!"  People say these things as if there is never any exposure and unfortunately, they put not only their pet's lives at risk, but also their own.

There was a recent case of a man in CA who touched a bat and contracted rabies and DIED.   This disease is carried in our local wildlife - bats, raccoons, rodents, etc - and we must protect ourselves and our pets from this deadly disease.  We DO have it in California and I do my darnedest to convince people to simply give the vaccine to their pets.

If you're a client of mine and you've signed up for Free Vaccines For Life, then the rabies vaccine is included in that!!!  The cheap cost of this vaccine leaves ZERO EXCUSE for giving it!!

PLEASE bring your pets in for this very important vaccine!  Call my office to find out how we can help!!  760-247-0292